About Us

At Growing Kids Club, We help children engage their bodies and minds through fun and educational activities.


Growing Kids is committed to create responsible citizens and leaders of tomorrow by laying a superior foundation through quality early childhood education.


We believe that our children are the very image of God (“Bachche bhagwan ka roop hote hain”) and are a clean slate. We seek to nurture the child by providing a positive and productive environment for him/her to grow.

We believe that our children are the very image of God (“Bachche bhagwan ka roop hote hain”) and are a clean slate. We seek to nurture the child by providing a positive and productive environment for him/her to grow.

Here, we shall celebrate and learn about all festival irrespective of religion, we shall go on educational field trips once a month, we shall have medical checkups once a year, and we shall learn to help the community at large and to learn to be responsible citizens.



We strive to inculcate in our children / students

Brand Promise

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There is an old Chinese adage. When planning for a year plant corn; when planning for a decade, plant trees; when planning for life, educate the youth. In this vein, Growing kids has dedicated itself to develop the Nation by developing the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual growth of our students at GK.

Before I share this message of pride and passion of Growing Kids is placed on your laps, let me thank the Almighty God for giving me tremendous strength, health and courage to lead the school. It’s indeed a very challenging yet an extremely fulfilling experience is no ‘flickering candle’ for me. It’s a kind of ‘splendid torch’ which I have with me for the moment and my Endeavour is to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it over to the future generations.

Each day gives birth to several new ideas and initiatives to consolidate the traditional strength and also to augment Growing kids and its brand equity.

It’s truly a ‘herculean task’ for the so called wonderful brain better termed as ‘wise guy’ by me-and ‘tiring pens’ to give life to this beautiful creation. But as the ‘say’ goes on ‘There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure and emerge victorious.’ Our ultimate Goal isn’t just to impart knowledge but to instill in each child an exemplary value system, moral base and gratitude for fellow companions to achieve in success in future. We also believe in helping each individual child move to-all-new levels of joy, abundance, love, passion, creativity and individual fulfillment. A pleasantly sociable environment and the top management’s zeal for perfection have been the front runners of our success. Its sheer hard work; self sacrifice and firm faith in humanity of these ‘bricks’ that is responsible for this ‘very’ day in my life. May god illuminate our children’s lives and make each child renowned through their accomplishments, humble in their attitude and upfront and steadfast in their thoughts and action.